Advocating for Survivor Housing
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Policy Has Impact, Especially for Our Clients
As a 501c3 non-profit organization, San Francisco SafeHouse does not endorse candidates from either political party, but we do support local and state measures that positively benefit our community.
Check back here in the future for ways to get involved with our advocacy program!
Proposition A: For the first time ever San Francisco voters passed a measure dedicating funding for gender-specific housing for women who are in need.
Proposition A, the $300 million Affordable Housing Bond was historic in nature. This groundbreaking initiative allocated $30 million from the bond proceeds to construct, develop, acquire, and/or rehabilitate housing for extremely-low income households, very low-income households, and lower-income households. Particularly with those vulnerable communities in mind, the bond aims at providing essential trauma-informed support for survivors of homelessness, street violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse, and/or human trafficking - survivors that urgently need safe and stable housing.
San Francisco SafeHouse recognizes the significance of this bond, which will transform the lives of unhoused women in San Francisco, one of the City's most marginalized populations. Women play a vital role in shaping our community, providing essential stability and support. The bond aligns with SafeHouse's mission to create a San Francisco where all women have access to safe, stable housing, which is a fundamental step toward rebuilding their lives.
According to data from the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, San Francisco is home to an estimated over 3000 women or individuals with trans experience experiencing homelessness, with 41% of the total homeless population in the city identifying as a woman. These women face unique and daunting challenges, and the current level of gender-specific services available is insufficient. Shockingly, only 5% of the existing shelter, transitional, and respite beds in the city are designated for women. With over 90% of coed shelter spaces predominantly occupied by men, women are 106 times more likely to experience violence and sexual assault in these environments compared to gender-specific spaces.
Prop A will bring about a transformative change by providing more gender-specific safe spaces. This initiative is a critical step in addressing the stark gender disparity in San Francisco's homeless services. It will create secure, trauma-informed housing options, which are essential to help survivors of trauma-related experiences rebuild their lives.