Colaboradores & Patrocinadores

Una abundancia de gratitud por su generosidad
Desde su fundación, SafeHouse ha ampliado su red de socios y patrocinadores, a algunos de los cuales tenemos el honor de reconocer. Todas las donaciones a continuación son de Julio de 2023 a Diciembre de 2024 y se actualizarán periódicamente. ¡Gracias por su apoyo!
BlackRock, Inc.
California Office of Emergency Services
Gap Foundation
Diane and Hal Steuber
San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing
San Francisco Department on the Status of Women
Sisters of The Presentation (SF)
$25,000 - $49,999
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Episcopal Impact Fund
Roderick G Morrison
$10,000 - $24,999
Cherida Collins Smith
Edwin and Fay Schoenberger
First Republic Bank
Gia Colosi
Glenda Hope
The Handlery Foundation
Harold and Lyn Isbell
Jane Bryson
Rev. Keenan Kelsey
Melanie and Bill Grossman
Spinsters of San Francisco
Steven Murray
$5,000 - $9,999
Amy Bond
Beth Bloom Designs, LLC
Bruce and Deborah MacLeod
Carola Shepard
Harry Chuck & Linda Lee
Jarrod Clow
Juliann Sum
Mary Lou Wilson
McDevitt Construction
Oh Family Foundation
Rob & Catherine Aveson
Robin & Gian Polastri
Rosina Conrotto
Sherri Chiesa
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Susan Philip
$1,000 - $4,999
American Endowment Foundation
Anantha Pradeep
Anil Comelo
Frank Bailinson and Jann Dickerson
Barry Hermanson
Betsy Dodd & Jim Boddy
Bradford Milligan
Christine Angeles
Christine Arent
Community Foundation Sonoma County
Community Thrift Store
Congregational Church of San Mateo, United Church of Christ
Dean Muller
Joan Williams & James Dempsey
Doris Jeanette Foster Foundation
Douglas and Nancy Abbey
Elisha Tan
Gelfand Partners Architects
Grace Presbyterian Church Walnut Creek
The Green Cross
Helene Baribault
Hitomi Hayashi-Branson
Holly Millar
James & Laura Schlueter
James Fagler & Lori Yamauchi
Jeffrey Schwartz
John and Kathryn Edwards
John and Pamela Sebastian
John Postma & David Karp
Katherine Gray
Kimberly Malch
Lilli J Rey
Liz Paxton
Lorna Walker
Margaret Morse
Marietta Louise Bartoletti
Marilyn McNaughton & Martin Legg
Marilyn Morrissey
Mark Chambers
Marshall Kilduff
Meta (Anonymous)
Nadia Ilyin
National Philanthropic Trust
Old First Presbyterian Church
Pamela Merchant & Kirby Sack
PayPal Giving Fund
Rebecca Watters
Richard and Marty Lewis
Rose Guggenheim and Wayne Greene
Sandra and Gordon Lam
Shelley Klop
St. Ignatius Church
Sue Gibbons
Susan & John Monson
Thomas Jones