Colaboradores & Patrocinadores

Una abundancia de gratitud por su generosidad

Desde su fundación, SafeHouse ha ampliado su red de socios y patrocinadores, a algunos de los cuales tenemos el honor de reconocer.  Todas las donaciones a continuación son de diciembre de 2022 a mayo de 2024 y se actualizarán periódicamente. ¡Gracias por su apoyo!


  • BlackRock, Inc.

  • California Office of Emergency Services

  • Calvary Presbyterian Church

  • Sisters of The Presentation (San Francisco)

  • San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing

  • San Francisco Department on the Status of Women

  • Virginia Swanberg

$25,000 - $49,999

  • Episcopal Impact Fund

  • Diane and Hal Steuber

  • Roderick G Morrison

$10,000 - $24,999

  • Beth Bloom Designs, LLC

  • Edwin and Fay Schoenberger

  • First Republic Bank

  • Gia Colosi

  • Harold and Lyn Isbell

  • Jane Bryson

  • Keenan Kelsey

  • Oh Family Foundation

  • Spinsters of San Francisco

  • Steven Murray

$5,000 - $9,999

  • American Online Giving Foundation

  • Amy Bond

  • Betsy Dodd & Jim Boddy

  • Caitlin & Ian Schneider

  • Carola Shepard

  • Cherida Collins Smith

  • Glenda Hope

  • The Handlery Foundation

  • Juliann Sum

  • Epic Steak & Waterbar

  • Mary Lou Wilson

  • Melanie and Bill Grossman

  • Presentation High School

  • Sherri Chiesa

  • St. Ignatius Church

$1,000 - $4,999

  • American Endowment Foundation

  • Anantha Pradeep

  • Anil Comelo

  • Anonymous

  • Bank of America Charitable Giving Fund

  • Bradford Milligan

  • Bruce and Deborah MacLeod

  • Charities Aid Foundation of America (CyberGrants)

  • Christine Angeles

  • Christine Arent

  • Community Foundation Sonoma County

  • Congregational Church of San Mateo, United Church of Christ

  • David Karp

  • Dempsey and Williams Household

  • Donna Falls

  • Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

  • First Presbyterian Church San Leandro

  • Frank Bailinson

  • Grace Presbyterian Church Walnut Creek

  • The Green Cross

  • Hitomi Hayashi-Branson

  • Holly Millar

  • James & Laura Schlueter

  • Jeffrey Schwartz

  • John and Kathryn Edwards

  • John and Pamela Sebastian

  • Junior League Of San Francisco, Inc.

  • Lilli J Rey

  • Liz Paxton

  • Lois Green

  • Margaret Morse

  • Marilyn McNaughton & Martin Legg

  • Marilyn Morrissey

  • Mark E. Graham

  • Marshall Kilduff

  • Meta Anonymous Donations

  • Nadia Ilyin

  • Old First Presbyterian Church

  • Pamela Merchant & Kirby Sack

  • Richard and Marty Lewis

  • Robert and Catherine Aveson

  • Rose Guggenheim and Wayne Greene

  • Sandra Lam

  • Seventh Avenue Presbyterian Church

  • Shelley Klop

  • Susan Monson

  • Susan Philip

  • Thomas Jones


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