Our Transitional House
SafeHouse is a cozy residence featuring communal bedrooms, a well-equipped kitchen, ample living areas, and outdoor spaces. It is our hope that the women who reside at SafeHouse for 18 months experience a sense of belonging, as if it were their own home.
Tour the House
Look at our beautiful home through the lens of photographer Arwa Safdari.
The Services
Our supportive services are tailored to bolster residents in achieving their self-defined goals. To do this, we provide:
Individualized case management
Access to individual and group therapy as desired
Rotating activities and classes as requested by the residents like yoga, acupuncture, and domestic violence support
Financial and practical support to work toward educational or vocational goals
Resident and staff outings and retreats
An innovative Internship Program that offers job readiness training and often leads to a permanent position
Assistance in locating permanent housing after leaving SafeHouse.
Programs designed to assist with money management, savings, and the cost of living transitional housing for permanent housing